As of Friday November 20th at 3 p.m., I became an official UOW graduate, but more importantly and much more exciting, I became a teacher!! It's so strange and doesn't even seem real yet, but the end of the most hectic year of my life is finally here. Now it's just a matter of waiting for some paperwork to get processed and for my teaching number to come through before I can walk into a classroom. Not in a rush to get to work just yet, I think I'm ready to just enjoy some of this amazing 30 degree and sunny weather we're having.

Last Wednesday, (the 18th) Leah finished the first year of her program! Getting near the end of the year, motivation was a bit tricky to come by, but with that being said, the exams went well and Leah is excited to be half way there! Following her last exam, Leah and her friends went to Fran's parents place to set up the Christmas tree with Fran's nephew to begin the celebrations! We (the boys) joined them in the evening to head out to The Rocks for some drinks and a couple of pizzas.... and a few more drinks! Those last few drinks made Thursday morning a bit groggy in front of the kids, but we don't need to tell anyone!
The Grad Ball to celebrate all of the Grad Dip Ed student's success was last night down in Wollongong. With nearly 100% attendance, everyone was dressed to the best and ready to have a great time. Dinner was a buffet style with a little bit of everything, dessert was
a very nice parfait meringue combo, and all of the beer and wine were covered by the cost of the ticket! The music was great and all of us now teachers (and partners) were letting it all out on the dance floor! Everyone looked as though we were all having a fantastic time.
Next on the docket, Leah and I need to organize our upcoming trip to New Zealand! We've got our flights booked, but that's about it! We'll use these next couple of days to get on top of that so we have somewhere to sleep when we get there on the 4th of December.
Trusting all is well back home,
Jeff & Leah