Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend in Melbourne

Hey Everyone!

Things have finally slowed down for a few minutes around here so we thought we'd fill you in on our adventures!

The weekend before Heather's birthday, she and I headed down to Melbourne for a quick getaway! We flew out at ... no - before the crack of dawn on Friday morning and landed in Melbourne in time for breakfast! We wandered the city Friday morning while the weather went back and forth between the sun trying to peek through and light showers. We hopped on the city circle bus and toured the city learning about the history of both the buildings and the city's development and attractions.

After a quick lunch at the pub, we headed to the Melbourne Aquarium. We visited the penguins in their antarctic habitat, pet the starfish and watched a shark feeding.

The final stop in the aquarium was the underwater tunnels and observation windows, where we watched sharks, stingrays and other fish circle about! 

Since we had such an early start to the day, we decided to sneak in a quick nap before heading to the theatre to see 'Mary Poppins'! On our way, we found a lovely little restaurant, 'Spaghetti Tree', which oddly resembled 'The Old Spaghetti Factory'! Very fitting for our pre-theatre meal, as we would always eat at 'The Old Spaghetti Factory' before seeing shows in Toronto as kids! The show was spectacular, and left us humming 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' the rest of the weekend.

Dinner at 'Spaghetti Tree'
Saturday morning, we hit the Queen Victoria Markets and shopped till we dropped! The sun was shining and we thoroughly enjoyed moseying along through the different vendors. When we found ourselves at the end of the rows and rows at the market, we headed into town and continued our spree at the Bourke Street Mall! Saturday night, we met up with Heather's friend, Giovanni, who she worked with last summer in Italy. We went to a well known restaurant and bar, Cookie, sat out on the rooftop patio with a view of the city, and then headed to Brunswick Street.

Sunday morning, we hopped on the tram and headed to St. Kilda to walk out on the pier. It was incredibly windy, but the sun was shining and we even saw some penguins in their nests! We hit up the Melbourne Museum Sunday afternoon for an Imax movie about the Titanic and then it was time for the adventure to end! We gathered our things from the hostel and headed back to the airport. Jeff had cake ready for us upon our arrival back in Sydney, and I quickly prepared my session plans for the following day of clinical placement!

Ready for the Imax Movie
It was a great weekend away and we're both looking forward to our next adventure - which is not so far away!! The three of us are heading to Darwin and Kakadu National Park next weekend, so watch for more posts to come!

Heather & Leah

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Heather!

Tuesday marked Heather's 22nd birthday and we celebrated in style! Heather and I spent the weekend in Melbourne (more to come on that later), and then on Tuesday night we all headed down to the Sydney Opera House to see Josh Thomas, an Australian comedian, with Luke and Tamara! It was a great show, and despite a bit of rain, a fantastic evening!

Celebrations were held tonight at Olympic Park, as today is the 10 year anniversary of the start to the Sydney Olympics! The torch has been re-lit and many athletes and volunteers were there to participate in the festivities. Hard to believe it has already been 10 years!

Hope all is well with everyone! More updates later in the week!
