Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Countdown Begins!

Hi Everybody,

Here we are in the middle of June and the countdown to the end of school work is officially on! I got through all of the assignments for uni just fine; haven't got any marks back yet, but I'm confident I'll be successful. I've already had my first week of placement back at Gymea Bay Public School with my 4/5 students. The first week back was pretty easy going; Tuesday the room was getting new carpet so I had a day off from teaching, then Wednesday I volunteered to manage a team at an Aussie Rules Football event for some of the students at the school, so again, another day off from teaching! Thursday and Friday though, I taught multiple lessons both days and enjoyed it and am getting ready for a week that should be full of teaching.

Leah had a study week last week, so she spent her days with her friends studying and getting ready for her exams which start this week. She's also got an assignment due, but is putting the finishing touches on it as I write.

Last night, we took a break from it all and headed down to Wollongong dressed to the 9's for the Uni Rugby Ball. Everyone had their black and white on and sat down for a very tasty dinner and dessert, and of course the best part... all you can drink! lol. When the forks were put down, the dancing started and everybody appeared to be having great time... our first of hopefully many parties to come down in the 'Gong.

The weather here is making us miss the Canadian summer. The so called "winter" down here has been a chilly 10-14 degrees most days. The temperature isn't bad, but the wind chill makes it seem colder than it actually is. The good news is, this weather is only around for a few more weeks, and then come August it will start to warm up again... so our little space heater will do the job for now.

We trust everybody back home is enjoying the heat! We miss you all and think about you all every day!

Thinking especially of Lindsay and Ben who tied the knot yesterday! Congratulations you guys! Wish we could've been there to celebrate!

Take care and keeping checking in to our blog for more updates!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff and Leah
    I am thrilled that your mom sent my your blog by email tonight. It is great to be able to catch up and see what you guys are up to. Sounds like you are having a great time even if some of it is school. Australia has always been my dream vacation so I really envy you guys. I look forward to your next entry and in the mean time, enjoy this awesome experience that you are having.
    Aunt Ginny
