Monday, February 22, 2010

Nestling In for the Good Ol' Hockey Game!

Hey Everyone!

Just a quick post for this morning - we had an incredibly busy week this past week, with Jeff putting in his first 5 day work week in over a year, and I had my second day of placement! Needless to say by the end of it we were both incredibly exhausted, and unfortunately Jeff has picked up some germs from the kiddies. We've had a quiet weekend with Jeff on the couch trying to get better and me in front of my computer trying to stay on top of my clinic report writing (yes, it didn't take long to get back to the grind).

Jeff can't wipe the smile off of his face as channel 9 is currently broadcasting the hockey game this morning...though it seems those boys in red and white will have to pick up their socks - it's already 1-0!!

Will be a busy week this coming week as we're heading to the cricket tomorrow night with Luke and Tamara, and Wednesday is Jeff's birthday so we're hoping to head out for dinner celebrations with some friends. More updates to come! For now, I will leave you to drool over our Valentine's Day Cupcakes! :)

Ta Ta for now!

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